Best Panic At The Disco Songs
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Greetings sexy mortals! At the Disco's new album is coming out soon and in celebration of it, I decided to make a list of my favourite panic songs!

Best Panic At The Disco Songs Ever

Best Panic At The Disco Songs
At The Disco. The promise of new music by them has inspired us to take a look back at some of their best songs, so we've chosen 10 to be exact. Here's to hoping for a new album very. At the Disco proved that they are more than a one-album-hit wonder with the release of their second album, “Pretty Odd.” The song “Nine in the Afternoon” is the album’s first single and was number 44 on Rolling Stone’s list of the 100 Best Sons of 2008. At The Disco's video for 'Miss Jackson' featuring LOLO from the new album, Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! King of fighters unblocked. - out now on DCD2 Records / Fueled By Ramen.